Wednesday 13 April 2011

Analysis of Setting

The Stranger
Analysis of Setting
Tanasha Kardeo
In the novel “The Stranger” by Albert Camus I noticed one significant setting in my section. The setting that I thought was significant was when Meursault finally realized who his mother actually was. When his mother was living with him, they didn’t have the best communication, since Meursault was busy with work he wasn’t home as much. That left his mother to be home all by herself majority of the time, not doing much since she recently moved in with him. When Meursault received a telegram that his mother had died, he didn’t actually know how to react because he didn’t know when she actually died. When he arrived at the old age home where his mother had stayed for 3 years he was introduced with a door keeper. The doorkeeper helped him to understand a little bit about his mother, some things that he never knew was that she wanted to be buried by the rites of the church, he knew she was a professed atheist but never thought religion in her life, he also didn’t know that she had many friends there that comforted and loved her very much. One man in particular, M. Perez was a special friend to his mother, they took walks into the city and he kept her company most of the 3 years she spent there. Meursault didn’t know much about his mother, but the death did help him learn about her a bit more.

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